Intelligent Accounting and Finance Solutions

Monday, 29 July 2013

Confidentiality of Information in Outsourcing Industry

Outsourcing Industry is facing a challenge of breach of confidentiality by the Accounts Outsourcing Service providers. Some of the information transferred involves confidential information which can have financial threat for the owners of information.There is a high probability that the information may be leaked when sharing it with the third party service providers.Confidentiality is important in cases where cross border transfer of work is involved as it becomes difficult for transnational entities to legally sue each other for breach of confidentiality terms.Various ways and methods have been devised to ensure confidentiality of client information. There can be legal, procedural or technical categories of privacy protection.

- Signing of Non Disclosure Agreement :
Outsourcing service provider needs to sign non disclosure agreement with the client to ensure that the information is not leaked to third party with our prior consent of the data owner

- Transfer data over Secured network :
The data should be send and received over a secured VPN network in order to prevent eavesdropping of the information. Firewalls schedule be installed on the workstations to protect data from malawares and viruses.

- Training to employees :
Employees need to be trained in order to ensure that they do not leak the information unknowingly to third party. Non disclosure agreement needs to be signed with the key employees of third party service providers.

- Employee level access defined :
Each employee has to be granted specific level of access to the client information. Privacy and security policies should be communicated to the employees.

- Backup of Records :
A proper backup of data should be maintained in order to prevent mass loss of information or loss of data due to corruption of data. This can prevent risk of lost or stolen data. Automatic backup of data at regular intervals can help in preventing any maladies.

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